With the spring’s advent, we came up with a nutrilipidomic recipe a fresh, creamy and fragrant dessert: crumble cheesecake with goat ricotta cheese, Greek yogurt and wild blueberry nectar reduction. An easy-to-prepare dessert with just a few simple ingredients!
What distinguishes our recipes is the accuracy of the choice of foods, which mix together give lipid balance to the recipe.
Let’s see the attributes of the main ingredients of Nutra Pick crumble cheesecake:
- White Greek yogurt: considerable nutritional characteristics are attributed to it: it takes on the role of a substitute for milk and dairy products, especially for those who are lactose intolerant; it has strong satiating power and is rich in live milk enzymes with known properties for intestinal transit. Different types of Greek white yogurt are found on the market according to fat content (0%; 2%; 5%);
- Goat ricotta: it is considered a particularly digestible and tolerated food. In fact, it is recommended for both children and those suffering from gastric discomfort. Consumption of goat’s ricotta is not as widespread as that of other varieties (cow’s ricotta, other fresh cheeses, etc.). In the context of a varied diet, it is an alternative to consider, especially if it is included in a mix of ingredients;
- Ghee butter: widely used in cooking as a substitute for traditional butter due to its high smoke point (200°) and high digestibility (lactose-free). The fats that make up ghee butter are mostly short-chain saturated fatty acids; it also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid. It is a viable alternative for preparations, such as crumbles, in which butter takes center stage.
- Wild blueberry nectar (see below).
Nutra Pick, nature’s SUPERFOOD
The wild blueberry of the Apennines of Modena Vaccinium myrtillus L. turns out to be the blueberry species with a higher content of various types of phytonutrients with antioxidant activity than other varieties cultivated and other selected fruits available on the market is the blueberry species with the highest content of antioxidant [1,2].
It was therefore selected by us as the main ingredient in Nutra Pick nectar.
Nutra Pick is the drink of pure cold-pressed wild blueberry from the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. NATURAL source of antioxidants and vitamins A and C, with known beneficial properties for microcirculation, eyesight and intestinal transit. Its consumption is suitable for the whole family (adults and children) and is versatile for different types of consumption (to drink diluted in water, as an ingredient in recipes, etc.).
Glass cheesecake with goat ricotta cream, Greek yogurt, crunchy crumble and Nutra Pick reduction
And now we are ready for our fresh and mouthwatering spoon dessert recipe in convenient single servings.
Ingredients for 6 servings (glasses/bowls)
For the cream:
- 250 g goat ricotta cheese
- 50 g powdered sugar
- 80 g Greek yogurt (drained) 0% fat
For the crumble:
- 60 g spelt flour
- 40 g oat flakes
- 40 g butter ghee
- 30 g brown sugar
For Nutra Pick reduction:
- 400 ml Nutra Pick
- 50 g brown sugar
To decorate: fresh blueberries to taste and a few mint leaves
Let’s start with the crumble!
- Place all the ingredients in a kitchen blender: flour, oatmeal, cold chopped butter, brown sugar and a pinch of salt;
- Grind everything for a few moments until a crumbly mixture is obtained. If it does not turn out crumbly, simply run it through your hands so that it crumbles;
- Butter a small baking dish and drop the mixture into it, crumbling it further between your fingers;
- Bake the crumble in a preheated oven at 190° for 15 minutes, taking care to stir it halfway through baking;
- After this time has elapsed, remove it from the oven and allow it to cool completely. The crumble should be golden and crispy (you can also prepare it in advance of the cream).
And now to the preparation of the cream and Nutra Pick reduction:
Ricotta cream
Place the goat ricotta cheese in a bowl along with the powdered sugar and work them with a spatula until smooth. Gently add the Greek yogurt to the ricotta mixture with movements from the bottom to the top to avoid disassembling the whole mixture.
Nutra Pick reduction
Pour Nutra Pick wild blueberry nectar and sugar into a sufficiently large nonstick saucepan; allow to cook over very low heat. Stir regularly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the syrup to a simmer and continue to cook, until the cranberry juice has reduced to about a quarter of its initial volume. Don’t worry if the consistency seems runny; the sauce will become thick and creamy only after it cools.
And finally…
Prepare glasses or small cups — preferably clear glass — by alternating layers of cream with layers of crumble. Drizzle each layer of crumble with the Nutra Pick reduction. Decorate with fresh blueberries and mint leaves. Serve the ricotta cream with crumble crumble cold.
Learn more about blueberry, a natural anti-inflammatory: www.lipinutragen.it/en/functional-foods-polyphenols-blueberries/
Try another recipe with our Nutra Pick blueberry nectar: www.lipinutragen.it/en/antioxidant-ice-cream/
Bibliographic references:
[1] G. Giovannelli, S. Buratti, Food Chemistry 112 (2009) 903-908
[2] W. Song et al. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58 (2010) 6621-6629
Article edited by the Lipinutragen Editorial Group.
Recipe created by Andreea Popa, Data Entry and Customer Care Account, cooking lover.
Dietary advice in the article is not intended as a substitute for a personalized diet plan and is to be adapted to specific cases.
Photo: 123RF Archivio Fotografico: 199699789 : ©huresilie
- On 11 April 2023