Before describing the recipe for seed crackers with salmon mousse, let review the ingredients and nutritional characteristics that led us to choose them.
Essential seed mix:
The use of seeds in cooking is becoming increasingly popular. They give flavor and crispness and have, depending on the plant from which they come, really interesting nutritional properties.
Some types of seeds have a lipid profile (fat content) that is really favorable for maintaining a healthy and balanced eating style.
Mixing different types of seeds allows us to obtain a variety of nutrients. For today’s recipe we chose to use:
- Flaxseed: seeds known for their high content of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants and fiber. A mode of consumption that allows the assimilation of all its nutraceutical properties is ground, preferably expressed. In fact, it is best to grind the seeds directly before consuming them; it will be sufficient to obtain a manual bean/coffee grinder;
- Chia seeds: are assimilated to flaxseeds from a lipid perspective. They contain 34% omega-3 fatty acids and contribute to a greater sense of satiety;
- Sunflower seeds: to balance the omega-3 content contributed by the seeds described above, we add sunflower seeds, which contain omega-6 linoleic acid. Their use in cooking is recommended in combination with other oil seeds, precisely for the purpose of varying the composition.
Salmon: rich in omega-3 (EPA and DHA)
Salmon is among the most commonly consumed fish the one to have a good content of EPA and DHA, polyunsaturated fatty acids belonging to the omega-3 family. Either fresh or smoked salmon can be used to make the mousse receipt, depending on preference. Lipid-wise, smoked salmon contains less fats than fresh salmon, because of the food processes it undergoes to smoke it.
Ingredients for salmon mousse
- 400g salmon
- 20g extra-virgin olive oil
- 2 lemons
- Salt and pepper q.s
- 1 sprig of parsley
Ingredients for seed crackers
- 100 g wholemeal flour
- Seeds mix (100 g between flax, sunflower and chia seeds)
- 30 g oatmeal
- 100 g mineral water
- 20 g di extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 pinch of salt
First let’s prepare the crackers. Preheat the oven to 180°. Combine the flour, seeds, oatmeal and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Next add half of the weighed water and the extra-virgin olive oil. Stir everything together and add the rest of the water in a trickle, continuing to mix the compound. Lay the mixture, with the help of a spatula, on a sheet of baking paper and cover it with another sheet. Roll it out to a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Cut with a round cutter to form rectangles or any shape you prefer.
Grease the baking pan with a little oil and bake for about 15-20 minutes. Once ready and baked, let cool and divide the crackers.
Preparation of the salmon mousse takes 2 minutes. Place all ingredients (salmon, extra-virgin olive oil, lemon juice) in the pitcher of a blender. Blend at medium speed until a creamy consistency is obtained. In case desired consistency is not achieved, add little oil in a drizzle while the blender is running. Season with salt and pepper and mix. Transfer the mousse to a bowl and place in the refrigerator.
As soon as the crackers have cooled, use two teaspoons to form quenelles (patties) to place on top of each cracker. Alternatively, you can simply spread the cream with a knife. Decorate, before serving, with chopped parsley.
Further articles to read:
- Nutritional properties of flaxseed and video-recipe flaxseed crepes: www.lipinutragen.it/en/flax-seeds/
- Fish varieties and omega-3 content: www.lipinutragen.it/en/fish-omega3-rich-food/
Another nutri-lipidomic recipe with natural omegas:
- Bites recipe with essential seeds (flax and chia): www.lipinutragen.it/en/seeds-in-the-kitchen/
Article by the Lipinutragen Editorial Group
Recipe by Andreea Popa, Data Entry and Customer Care Account, passionate about cooking.
The dietary advice in the article is not intended as a substitute for a personalized diet plan and is to be adapted to specific cases.
Photo: 123RF Archivio Fotografico: 111996337 : ©svl861 | 107198088 : ©vvlavanda
- On 23 March 2023