Cereal mix tarts
Ancient grains
The term “ancient grains” refers to a type of grain that was plant before the advent of industrial production.
Before suggest you our healthy and tasty nutri-lipidomic recipe, we would like to capture your attention with 8 reliable reasons to use ancient grains in cooking.
8 Reasons to cook with ancient grains
- They have not been altered
These are grains “uncorrupted” by the series of agricultural and agronomic practices put in place by the food industry for higher yield and ease of processing.
- They are stone ground, therefore less refined
Stone grinding is the oldest and the only method that existed until the 1940s to grind wheat. With stone, the millstones turn slowly without overheating; this maintains the organoleptic properties of the raw material, as well as preserving the fiber, mineral, vitamin and especially germ content.
- They contain less gluten and have a low glycemic index
Ancient grains, in general, have a lower gluten content than modern grains, and the ratio to starch is always more balanced. In addition, flours derived from ancient grains have a glycemic index of about 40, much lower than 0 flours.
- They are lighter and more digestible
Precisely for the reasons described above, ancient grains are lighter and more digestible and are well suited for preparations of all kinds such as bread, pasta, pizza, piadina, puff pastry, cakes and cookies.
- They are more valuable, tasty and fragrant
The expressions of taste and fragrance are varied, diverse, and never standardized. Already during cooking, different flavors are released and unique nuances and differences can be perceived.
- A support and incentive for small producers
Ancient grains cannot in any way be processed by industry. Their conformation, height and yield is significantly lower than modern grains, and for these factors they are unsuitable for industrial production. A heritage sustained by small producers who care for the land.
- Protection of biodiversity
It is a great blessing to have flour, bread or pasta with different flavors and colors and with old stories but belonging to the same country.
- Historical and cultural value
Just like dialects, customs, and carnival costumes, cereals are also emblematic of discovering and bringing up the value of the best expressions of an region.
Ingredients for 4 tartlets
For the shortbread
- 100 gr cereal mix (oats, rye, spelt, buckwheat)
- 100 gr Senatore Cappelli wheat flour
- 50 gr walnut flour
- 80 gr brown sugar
- 80 gr extra virgin olive oil
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon honey
- ½ pouch of baking powder
For the cream
- 2 eggs
- 1 vanilla bean
- 100 g brown sugar
- 30 gr cornstarch (corn flour)
- 250 ml of oat milk
- 250 ml hazelnut milk
- 2 tablespoons Nutra Nut Zero Milk
hazelnut cream - 1 pinch of salt

Image used for illustration purposes
Shortbread preparation:
- Grind the cereal in a blender or with the help of a mortar; combine the ground cereal in a bowl with the flours and brown sugar
- Mix the eggs, oil and honey and work with your hands to make a firm dough
- Also add the yeast while continuing to knead the dough
- If the dough is too wet, add a little more flour; if on the contrary it is too dry, put in a drop of oil or a little honey
- Roll out the short crust pastry about half a cm thick and with a pastry cutter (or cup) 13.5 cm in diameter, cut out 4 disks. Place the disks in suitable tart molds about 12 cm in diameter, previously oiled and floured
- Tightly stick the bottom and edges, get rid of the excess dough, and prick the bottom of the tartlets
- Bake in a preheated static oven at 180° for about 15 minutes.
Cream preparation:
- Pour the oat milk together with the hazelnut milk into a small pan, add the seeds of one vanilla pod and place the pod in infusion. Place on the stove and bring to a simmer
- In another pan, pour in the sugar, add the whole eggs and mix everything with a spatula. Also bland the cornstarch with a pinch of salt
- Pour a little hot milk into the newly obtained mixture to thin it, taking care to first remove the pod left to steep. Stir with the aid of a spatula. After that pour in all the remaining milk, continuing to stir. Bring back to the stove over moderate heat to thicken the cream.
- Once thickened, turn off the heat and transfer the cream to a bowl and let cool to room temperature
- Add the Nutra Nut Zero Milk hazelnut cream and mix with a whisk until the cream is completely blended.
Once the tarts have cooled, add the cream until it reaches the edge. Decorate with hazelnut crumbs and/or dark chocolate curls.
Learn more on:
- vegetable milk: www.lipinutragen.it/en/vegetable-drinks-in-the-lipidomic-diet/
- etichette alimentari di creme di nocciole in commercio: www.lipinutragen.it/en/hazelnut-creams-and-fat-in-label/
- gluten free e celiachia: www.lipinutragen.it/en/celiac-disease-intolerance-gluten/
- indice glicemico: www.lipinutragen.it/en/impact-glycemic-index/
Un’altra ricetta con i grani antichi: www.lipinutragen.it/en/carnival-tagliolini/
Article by the Lipinutragen Editorial Group
Recipe created by Andreea Popa, Data Entry and Customer Care Account, a cooking lover.
The dietary advice in the article is not intended as a substitute for a personalized diet plan and is to be adapted to specific cases.
Photo: 123RF Archivio Fotografico: 96896985 : ©lenazajchikova
- On 26 January 2023